Micro 300X
Can the battery be replaced in my 300x?

Unfortunately, we no longer have batteries for the Micro 300x/Genius G1 units, but they can be bought from other suppliers by searching for below product code via Google or other search engine or discuss Battery World or similar stores >

GPSB-H623759    < which will fit and work in a 300x & Genius G1.


1. The first step in replacing the internal battery is removing the 6 small screws located on the rear of the case.

2. Work your way around the case until the back is fully separated.

3. You’ll notice two cables that connect from the battery to the PCB. Carefully disconnect this cable.

4. Remove the battery the rechargeable battery is held in place with some double-sided sticky tape. Carefully remove the battery off the back of the case to remove it.The battery is taped down with double sided tape to stop it moving/bouncing around, carefully remove, do not puncture battery cell.

5. Put the new replacement battery into the back of the case using double sided tape and connect the battery cable to the PCB. With the new battery successfully installed the SureshotGPS is ready to be re-assembled.

Take care that no wires are sticking out of the base of the GPS when re-assembling it.